Our baby has recently grown from a lime:
To a peach:
We could not be prouder of our little fruit:)
Here are some thoughts on Morning Sickness:
Okay, 1. I knew people get sick and I even knew morning sickness could be anytime of the day, not just in the morning, but I had NO idea it was so overwhelmingly life-altering! Oh my gosh. I have so much more respect for the billions of women that have done this before me.
2. I got Zofran. I LOVE Zofran. (I highly recommend it to others going through MS. I can eat at least twice what I was eating pre-Zofran.)
3. It's slowly getting better, but I can't wait until I can cook and bake and enjoy my favorites again!
4. I propose the following for my future first trimesters: Catheters and Feeding tubes.
With the catheter, I would get a LOT more sleep!! With the feeding tube, the constant flow of calories would keep the nausea in check, and I would not have to try and figure out all day what sounds edible and how to obtain it. Brilliant, right? ;)