Saturday, April 21, 2012

36 Week Belly

Okay, we reached the 36 week point this past week!  The doctor asked us if we were ready for the baby.

No.  Ah!  I'm hoping she stays in there at least 4 more weeks!

So, we are still excited to see what little Chomper looks like.  The doc and ultrasound tech talk about how she'll be little, so I'd like to pop out a good 9 or 10 pounder just to show them!  

Heck, I'm the same build as my momma, and she popped out this 9-something pounder:

Wouldn't be amazing if baby girl looked like Ethan??!?!!  That would be awesome!

I had my baby shower last week, and it was soooo wonderful and I just love the people in my life.  But, the blog post will be delayed as pictures may take a while to procure from the photographer extraordinaire.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Yesterday, Paul and I were teaching the 4 year-olds at church.  I asked them what we should name our baby girl.  Here were the five responses:


I think we have some serious options!!
