Sunday, July 22, 2012

Noelle 2 Months

 Noelle at 2 months:

  • Really good sleeper at night.
  • Still looks like Paul Jr.  
  • Finally lets me hold her in multiple position, and lets me put her down sometimes.
  • Cries when anyone but mommy holds her.  This is hard because dad just wants some lovin'.  Anyone else experience this?    :(
  • Wants to have conversations all day long.  
  • Smiles and coos often.  
  • Enjoys reading books.  Okay, just looking at them.
  • Still loves her Moby and swaddling.
  • Almost 10 pounds.
  • Hardly ever spits up (bonus!)
  • Loves her mobile.
  • Hates tummy time.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A MAJOR Accomplishment

Paul promoted from Captain to Major last week.  I must admit I was a little sad because I loved my husband being a "Captain."  I think that's because of Captain Von Trapp in Sound of Music.  Ah, I need to watch that soon.

Major Hendrickson:

Being sworn in at his promotion ceremony (I remember he pledged to uphold the Constitution but I don't remember what else it entailed... I am so crappy at being a military wife.)

With Judy and Dan- pinning on the new little Major thingys to replace the Captain thingys:

I know this post is supposed to be all about the awesomeness that is Paul.  And it is.  BUT I just have a couple little pics of baby girl.

Here's Noelle in her little promotion dress:

Paul got Judy and I bouquets per tradition, but also got Noelle her own little bouquet from Daddy.  Hello CUTE idea Paul!

Congratulations to Paul for a promotion that he worked hard for and is quite the honor:)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Noelle Photo Shoot

A lady in Cheyenne is trying to build up her photography portfolio (Cheyenne friends, if you want the name and info let me know!!) (Okay, I don't think I actually have any Cheyenne friends that read this blog.), so she shot some pictures of Noelle.  I think she did such a good job, especially for a novice!  It was a surprise present for Paul, so Noelle and I brought some Patriots gear to wear.  

Noelle at one month:

Friday, July 6, 2012

Baby Shower

Back in April when little Noelle was still in the tummy, I had a baby shower thrown by these fabulous folks (plus Heidi who was taking the picture):

It was so fun!  We are probably moving this fall and I will be SO SAD to leave my friends here.  I love them.  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Conversation with Noelle

Here is one of our first "conversations" from a couple weeks ago:

OMG if I only knew what she was trying to tell me.  
